There are many opportunities to be involved with the Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game. Your membership allows you to be as involved or uninvolved as you wish. Below is a slide show of a few of our activities.
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The Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game sponsors several activities and fundraisers throughtout the year. Some of these are:
Arkansaw Creek Park Days is a 3 day event in June. We have a family night, color run, kiddie and pet parade, boat races, horseshoes, bean bags, live band, beer tent, church service, grilled chicken, grand parade and duck races.
The Annual Raffle is our main fundraising event and is held each year in February. We raffle guns and many other prizes including an ATV, a canoe, and money.
Each year around Arbor Day we give away over $500 worth of trees to individuals in Pepin County to be planted for wildlife habitat.
We maintain both the Arkansaw Creek Park and Dead Lake Park/Boat Landing.
Each year we cut brush from our parks and sponser a brush burning contest.
A Scholarship is given once a year to a local student going to college in a conservation related field.
We sponsor two students annually to attend conservation camp.
We donate to the local youth fishing contest, gun safety classes and many other worthy causes.